Monday, April 11, 2011

The Simple Things in Life

Since spring has sprung I've been doing some walking around my garden.
I took these simple pictures yesterday.

The one and only Tulip in my yard. I have one pop up randomly every year.

Grape hyacinths, some mint, and future tiger lily's & iris's.

My lilac bush is bursting with new buds ready to pop open any day with that heavenly scent!

My giant pinwheel sits right next to my front door. It makes me smile every time I see it!


  1. I know nothing about flowers. Except that they are pretty. :)

  2. Same for me - I love flowers but if I haven't been in the area then I have no clue the name of the flower. Great photo and so glad Spring is in your area. Rain and clouds seem to be my life these days - I want to get out and ride my bike...

  3. Beautiful Flowers! In Wisconsin we have a few things popping out of the ground and a few tiny buds on the trees. So nice of you to share the flowers! We could grow the Blue Flower here!


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