Household- all completed
Clean up porch
Clean up basement computer table
Go thru clothes- more specifically Jameson’s
Plant at Grandma’s- done but I haven't maintained it but Grandma has been taking care of it for me.
Rainbow wind chime
Rocking car windows
School- done and the first 10 weeks of school are ready to go
Plan Field Trips for summer
Plan next school year
Financial- done (I'll be setting aside a little bit every month so it's not a huge shock when the time comes)
Tax Planning
Christmas Planning
Jean Theory- Wholesale Order
Top for Marcia
Halter Top Apron- Orange Floral
Mystery Quilt and Stitch Along
McCall Top- Purple
McCall Top- Blue (see below)
Wing Snap Fitted Diapers for Jameson
Embroidered Oval Table Topper (in progress- this seems to be a never ending project)
Organize Bookshelves in Sewing Room (done and looking much cleaner!)
Cutest Little Owl
Butterfly Dishcloth (see below)
And here are the last projects I finished up recently and didn't get their own post…
McCall's Blue Top (uses the same pattern as the purple one above)
Knitted Butterfly Dishcloth (Can you see the cool butterfly pattern in it?)
I'm very happy with everything I got done and I can't wait to figure out what I'm doing in July!
You have had a great month! Cute dishcloth!