Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baby Clothes!

I love to sew baby girl clothes. But I don't have a baby anymore and I definitely don't have any girls! So what's a mama to do? Sew them anyways!

Awhile ago I got some nice destash fabric from my sister. I had no idea what to do with it but one fabric in particular stuck out to me. It just screamed 'baby girl clothes'! I found a couple of really cute patterns on Etsy, downloaded them, and got to work. Here is what I made… of course, they are for sale on my website for you to purchase. I hope to make many more of these cute baby clothes!

Pinney and Ruffled Diaper Cover

Baby Dress and Ruffled Diaper Cover


  1. Now that is a great use for that fabric!

  2. Super adorable! All boys being born around here! Boo! I mean, boys are cute and all but nothing is cuter than girly dresses ;)


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