Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 9: Decluttering

Now that we have some basic routines set up we'll be learning how to declutter.

Day 9 is about decluttering a few minutes at a time!

Flylady tells us How to Declutter and I highly recommend you read the article!

Some people have trouble with decluttering. It's tough getting rid of stuff sometimes! Number 6 of the How to Declutter article gives some great questions to ask yourself when decluttering. When you begin declutting review these questions.

Another thing I want to mention is about garage sales. Number 9 of the article talks about this. I used to save my clutter for garage sales but not anymore. I have hosted 1 garage sale in the past but in all honesty I probably will never do that again. I can't organize clutter and by giving away the things I don't use or love I can bless another family.

On your 'Morning Routine' paper, add a 5 minute room rescue. You'll be spending 5 minutes every morning decluttering somewhere in your home.

The main areas in my home are fairly well decluttered but I do have storage spaces, closets, cabinets, and such that could use a good going through. My personal mission this week is to finish wrapping the rest of my fabric into mini bolts. (The photo below is the last bit I need to finish.) I'll be working primarily during the baby's nap time or after his bedtime. Once that is complete my next mission will be to declutter my bookshelves. I have a ton of paperback books I received when my grandmother passed away and I have yet to pick out the ones I want to read and give away the ones I'll probably never get to or don't love.

What are your decluttering missions? I'd love to hear from you!

~Heather ~

1 comment:

  1. I started rearranging my bedroom about 2 weeks ago & now it's just piles of crap & laundry. If I finally got everything put away, it would be comfortable & relaxing in there!


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