Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fitness Friday: Journaling

Keeping track of your daily exercises and food intake is a really great idea. It's a great tool to that allows you to see your progress.

For a food journal write down what you ate, how much you ate, when you ate, and how you felt after you ate. Don't forget to keep track of what you drank too. After awhile you might start to recognize patterns in your eating. You might see how you eat when your stressed or tired or if you eat more when you've had a cocktail.

For an exercise journal, keep track of what exercises you do, your progress, and how you feel before and after your work out.

I have a form I fill out everyday and I can look back through to see how I'm doing or where there is room for improvement. There are also website online where you can fill out and keep track of everything. I don't always have instant access to the computer so I prefer to just write it down. I do, however, like to use to track my weight loss and goals.

I'm not an expert in how to create a printable or PDF file but you can copy and paste my form (below) into a word document to use for yourself! Enjoy!

Exercises Completed: ___________________________________________
Time: _________
Motivation: (ex: a healthier me) _______________________
Mood/Spirit: (ex: good/bad/grumpy) _________________________
Post Work-Out Reward: (ex: hot shower, big glass of water, etc.) ______________________

Food Journal

Breakfast: {time-________}, [mood-________], meal:______________________________
Snack: {time-________}, [mood-________], meal:______________________________
Lunch: {time-________}, [mood-________], meal:______________________________
Snack: {time-________}, [mood-________], meal:______________________________
Dinner: {time-________}, [mood-________], meal:______________________________
Snack: {time-________}, [mood-________], meal:______________________________

Water (o o o o o o o o)


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