Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back In Business!

Life is unpredictable sometimes. Just when I think everything is going good I take a 180 turn!

Ian will be returning to the public school, beginning tomorrow. I loved teaching him, having him home, and seeing him learn and grow but my stress-level has gone through the roof trying to keep it and everything else going.

Because I'm not homeschooling any more I've found a lot more time to do my chores around the house, to cook and sew! I hope to get my blog back up and running better. It's seen better days and needs a little TLC.

I have decided to do away with my destash shop but all my other shops are back open and in business!


  1. Fantastic! Good that your son will be back in school --- not that I am for or not for home schooling... I think it will be good for you. And since you did home school, you will have some very helpful insights with his homework and can help him thru' when it gets tough. I wish you the best! and to your son too with going back to school. Take care of yourself now!

  2. You seem to be in much better spirits. Let's hope that this year will be a good fresh start for Ian. New teacher, new year. That is always good


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