Monday, March 3, 2014

Unplugged in March

I've really been enjoying unplugging. I get so much more done and I'm able to stay focused for longer periods of time. I always wonder how much people were able to accomplish before technology. Obviously, it helps our lives now but I'm a seamstress and don't need the computer while I'm sewing! I'm sure a seamstress in the past was able to sew an outfit much faster.

Have you joined in the Unplugged Challenge? Learn all about it HERE.

This month I'll be unplugging on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those days seem to be the best as far as not needing to answer customer emails and such. Unplug with me or pick days that are more convenient for you.

Don't know if you can handle unplugging all day? Then try for an hour or 2 and build up to a full day!

If you unplugged, leave me a comment to tell me how it went!

Good Luck! ;)

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