Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 8: Basic Routines

Congratulations you've made it a full week with me! Keep up the great work!!!

Day 8 will be pretty easy.

Do you have an old 3-ring binder laying around? I'm sure you have something. Go get it and put in some paper.

Here is my binder. I used this binder as a senior in high school. It's great quality & I love that it zips closed. I hung onto it and have repurposed it into my Homemakers Binder. This could also be called a Household Planner, Life Book, Control Journal, etc.

At the top of one of your papers write "Morning Routine" and write down all your morning routines here.

At the top of another paper write "Bedtime Routine" and write down all your before bed routines here.

As we continue we'll be adding more habits to these papers. Don't let your perfectionism get in the way! When we have all our habits added you can then type them up and print them out or write them on decorative paper.

I also recommend getting some clear page protectors and putting your routines inside them. You can then get some dry erase markers, mark things off, and then erase them to start over the next day. This will save you time and expense in the long run (not to mention I feel more accomplished when I can cross things off my list).

How are your routines going? I'd love to hear from you!



  1. Oh my gosh!!
    I had no idea that you are blogging about your binder today!
    If you can believe it, I am working on a blog about my Life book.

  2. I can't wait to see your blog Sis! This is just a re-start of my binder... it's actually full of lots of stuff & I'll expand on what's in it in future posts eventually. :)


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