Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 29: Pamper Yourself

Day 29 is about Pampering Yourself.

Every week, Flylady gives a Pamper Mission. You can see it HERE.

Today, though, I want you to get out your calendar (you have been using one, right?) and I want you to make an appointment with yourself. Pick a day every week. Then pick a time. Then write it down!

Do you need some pampering ideas? You can see them HERE and HERE.

Stick to it! Remember to consciously take care of yourself too so you can keep your sanity. As a homemaker, I know this can be tough. We think we don't have time or that 'Me Time' is bad because I'm not focusing on someone or something else. Well, I'm not telling you to ignore everything. If your children need you, then you probably need to pick a different time for your Pamper Mission. After they go to bed is always a great choice. There's nothing wrong with showing yourself a little TLC!

Remember to keep up with your Routines!

I'd love to hear how you pamper yourself!


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