Monday, September 20, 2010


I'm in heaven
And my heart beats
So that I can hardly speak
And I seem to find
The happiness I seek
When we're out together
Dancing cheek to cheek

Recently I acquired my step-mother in laws fabric collection. She was an avid quilter but has been ill for quite some time and is no longer able to sew. I recieved so much fabric and I spent weeks washing, folding, & putting it all away. I even had to get another bookcase to store it all in. This isn't really a problem. It's more of a fabriholics dream. And as the songs says, "I'm in heaven..."

Here is my fabric collection, some of which is wrapped in mini-bolts. I had to add the center bookcase as my collection has grown too.

Here is the majority of my step-mother in laws fabric collection, all clean & stored in its new home. I think this is as straight and organized as it will ever be. :)


  1. Are you sure you're not a shop, Heather? I've only ever seen displays like that in a fabric shop :lol:

  2. Well, that's the best compliment Pat! I really should sell some of the fabric though. ut I just can't part with it.... LOL


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