Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 27: What's For Dinner?

Day 27. What's for dinner?

Is it 6pm and you haven’t thought about it yet?

From now on, I want you to think about what's for dinner as part of your Morning Routine. Or if you don't have time in the morning then put it on your Bedtime Routine for the night before.

If you haven't started yet, then it's a good idea to plan a menu. This should already be part of your Basic Weekly Plan on Wednesdays or whatever day is right before you go grocery shopping. I menu plan every 2 weeks and write my grocery list to go along with it. You might want to plan for only a week at a time and some people like to plan for a whole month at a time. This will save you unnecessary trips to the grocery store and probably save a lot of money too.

I keep a separate 3-ring notebook in my kitchen. In it I keep what I've developed as a basic menu plan, keep extra menus & grocery lists, and keep favorite recipes. My basic menu plan consists of left-overs (or BBQ, if my husband feels like cooking) on the weekends and the main dishes (Monday- beef; Tuesday- chicken; Wednesday- fish; Thursday- pasta; Friday- Fun Night (a lot of times I'll cook breakfast)). Having it set up like this is a time saver. I don't have to make as many decisions and it's all in one place and ready to go.

On my menu planner I write the date, the name of the recipe, what I need to thaw, and when I need to start the meal to have it on the table at 6pm. Then the completed menu gets put in a plastic sleeve protector along with the recipes for the week and put in plain view on the frig. Every morning I'll look at it and pull out whatever needs to be thawed for that night.

I hope that gives you some help in developing your menus!

Don't forget to check over your Routines!



  1. We are very different in this area.
    I don't like planning every little detail. I used to menu plan when we had a little more means to buy stuff to make fun recipes, but now our dinner life is boring.

    When Jerry starts his job Monday I'll be eating alone for all meals. On that note, I do my best by eating the same things at the same time each day. It keeps me from snacking too much. I try to keep to the same plan as when I was pregnant and had to meet with a specialist. Only I eat less than then of course!!

    Breakfast...egg and small piece of fruit.
    Snack...banana and yogurt
    Lunch...homemade bean dip
    Snack...celery and peanut butter and a couple of crackers
    Supper...soup and salad
    Snack...clementine and pc of cheese

    This really really works good for me. The balance of protein and good carbs keeps the hunger under check.

  2. I definately don't plan every little detail either. I do like to have what we're having for dinner planned though! My other meals are whatever I have or are left-overs. :)


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